Thursday, March 03, 2005

Vernon Easterhare Declares:

Anyone's death diminishes me,
because I am involved in humanity, and therefore
never send to know for whom the bells tolls;
it tolls for thee.

These words of John Donne registered with me as I listened to a memorial sermon for a member of Jeff Street yesterday, a mental health consumer who ended his life.

Since there were several other mental health consumers in the congregation besides me, Rev. Cindy's eulogy was certain to hit home in a soulfelt way that can only be known by those affected by mental illness... and that includes an entire village of folks, not just the afflicted person him/herself. What I know of the Jeff Street experience vis a vis this tragic suicide illustrates this principle.

My church is a loving church. I have found, opening its doors and arms to all the 'dysed' in the community. The guy who died had become a member apparently for the same reasons that I had -- to feel accepted as something other than a crumb-bum freak who had no better attire to wear to worship than blue jeans and a polo shirt.

But apparently too this mental health consumer 'tested limits' and I respect the fact that the church did deal with his threats in a way that was constructive and not unloving. I say "not unloving" with complete certainty, for several times at the mention of this man's life and demise, Cindy broke into tears, both in the pulpit and in the church narthex discussing him.

Blest be the tie that binds
our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
is like to that above;
When we asunder part
it gives us inward pain
But we shall all be joined in heart
till once we meet again!


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