Friday, April 28, 2006


Eight hours.

I had studied for my math test for eight hours.

If I failed, I would need a miracle from God to pass my college basic math class.

Eight hours. I had studied for my math test for eight hours! And I indeed failed.

I was broken. In the darkness and quiet of the campus orchestra room, I did the only thing I had the strength to do. I cried out to God for understanding and strength. In that darkness and quiet, I heard a voice say, “Study, and trust me.”

For the next three weeks I studied fervently and trusted that the One who lead the Israelites out of Egypt would somehow help me pass math class.

Over Christmas break I learned via email that I had passed my college math class. In that moment God restored what was once broken, my spirit. I graduated that May 2003 with a BA in communication and a renewed sense of God’s loving, healing, caring presence.

by Laura S. Sommers, who can do no wrong in our books (but then, we failed math, too...)


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