Saturday, August 04, 2018

I Hear the Sound

This Summer, we're considering the sounds around us during Ordinary Time. David Dillard and Dan Trabue wrote a song on this theme, performed here by Kate Sanders, Jim McGee, Michelle Lori, David, Dan and Roger Thomas.

I Hear the Sound

I hear the sound of mother crying
I feel the pain, the bitter sting
I hear the sound of a righteous warning
I hear the sound of a people sing
I hear the sound of old bones burning
I hear the sound of fallen kings
I hear the sound of thunder rolling
I hear the sound of a people sing

I hear the sound of songs of freedom I hear the sound that justice brings
I hear the sound of a new day coming I hear the sound of a people sing

I hear the sound of justice marching
I hear the sound of the rivers roll
I hear the sound of a new day coming
I hear the sound that cheers my soul


I hear the sound of dark skies rumbling
I hear black birds sound the call
I hear the sound of mountains tumbling
I hear the sound of the mighty fall



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